Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June Birthstones Moonstone and Pearl

Some of us get all the luck-not only do June babies get the start of nice warm barbecue weather for their birthday parties they also get the choice of two stones as birthstones. And what lovely ones they are too...Moonstones AND Pearls.

so here is a little bit of info on both.


Pearls are an organic gemstone, the only gem created from a living creature

The name comes from the Latin word ‘perula’ which means small pear. Natural Pearls are one of the oldest known gems and have been adored by people for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks thought that Pearls were the hardened tears of joy of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, as she was born from the foam of the sea. The Romans were particularly fond of Pearls, which were favoured by the rich. Women would wear their Pearls to bed to remind them of their wealth as soon as they woke up. A Roman General is said to have financed a whole military campaign by selling one of his mother’s Pearl earrings. In ancient China, Pearls were swallowed to cure eye diseases and fever. They were also thought to bring wealth, power and longevity.

Pearl is the birthstone for June and for the zodiac sign of Gemini (May 21 – June 21). It is also given for the 3rd and 30th (Pearl Jubilee) wedding anniversaries


Moonstone is an opalescent stone. The intensity of the body colour depends on the amount of iron present within the stone. The iridescent sheen is known as ‘schiller’ which means a colourful play of light. ‘Rainbow Moonstone’ is Labradorite Feldspar and its sheen has a variety of rainbow colours. This particular variety has become very popular and is now becoming very scarce.

Moonstone is an historically important gemstone, valued for centuries, particularly by royalty. It was popular with the Romans who thought that Moonstone was formed out of moonlight, hence its name. In the Middle Ages, people believed that you could look into a Moonstone and fall into a deep sleep that would predict the future. Folklore says that Moonstone could awaken tender passions, if placed beneath the tongues of lovers at full moon. Even today, in Arabic countries, women still sew a Moonstone, out of sight, into their dresses, as a symbol of fertility. Moonstone is a sacred gemstone in India, regarded as ‘dream stones’ bringing the wearer beautiful visions at night. In East Indian tradition, Moonstone represents the ‘Third Eye’, clarifying spiritual understanding.

Moonstone is a birthstone for June and the Zodiac sign Cancer (June 21-July 22).