Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Making Process

We went to see some of our makers' workshops today, we thought you might be interested to see how lovely and clean everything was, and the journey your jewellery goes through from pure silver to beautiful finished pieces.
so here is the casting process...

First a handmade master copy of the finished ring is used to make a latex mould. The mould is filled with pink wax then the wax pieces are individually touched up by hand to make sure they are perfect.

The wax pieces are then set like little branches on wax tree and placed in a metal tube over which plaster is poured.

The wax is melted out in a kiln and the plaster gets completely dry and throughly hot. It is removed from the kiln then very quickly molten silver is poured into the hot mould.

The silver starts off as pure silver and an alloy is added so it is hard enough for jewellery. The alloy makes it 925 or Sterling Silver.

The trees come out of the plaster and the component jewellery parts are all ready to be snipped off, soldered together and polished up.

Then they go off to the highly skilled setters and with the beautiful gemstones all in place they get a final polish and are ready to go to new homes!


  1. great to see the making in progress.

  2. If a peacock tail was studded with rubies, it would look just like this beautiful ring!
